Tuesday, February 17, 2009

distractions are everywhere..

as i am laying here studying for scripture memory i look up as i recite part of the scripture and see a picture of my grandma. i completely stop saying the scripture and start to think about memories i have with her, the last time i saw her, things that she accomplished in her life, it then triggers a thought about mexico what kind of dash did she leave? can you see how easily you can loose focus on what you are doing? this happens to me alot. people may ask monica what are you thinking about. my reply is well i'm at a loss for words most of the time because i start thinking about one thing and i get on rabbit trails that lead me down a path that opens up a whole new can of worms. i think this happens to alot of people. you will be doing work or focusing on something and you'll see a word, or a picture, hear a sound, or possibly even smell something and your mind now wanders and pulls up memories from that experience with what you just got distracted by. is that true? does anyone else have that problem? i find it happening to me all the time. the problem with this is, if i want to be used in the kingdom and be a strong leader someday i can't be getting lost in my thoughts while trying to do something important. i mean what kind of message would that bring?
i'm not sure this is just something i've been learning about and hopefully one day figure out.


ZuZu said...

You're not the only one with that problem. I struggle with that a lot too, especially during worship or when I'm reading my Bible or trying to focus on God or pray. It's tough to quite your mind. If I come up with the solution I'll let you know.